- All firearms must be in a case, bag or holster upon entering the facility.
- You may conceal or open carry.
- The firearm must remain cased, bagged or holstered until you are in your shooting lane.
- Firearms Will Only Be Uncased At The Bench.
- Whether cased, bagged, holstered, or in a sock, you must be inside your lane at the benched position to uncase your firearm.
- If you are sharing any firearms: all firearms will be placed in a lane, while the shooters switch lanes. NO handling firearms behind and around the lane barrier wall.
- Always Point Your Firearm In A Safe Position
- (Muzzle Of The Firearms Will Be Pointed Down Range And Parallel With Floor At All Times).
- Always Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until Ready To Shoot
- (Your Firearm Is Aimed At Your Target Before You Engage Your Trigger).
- Never under any circumstances reach forward of the firing line.
- If you collect your brass you may retrieve any brass that falls behind the firing line
- If you drop anything forward of the firing line, have an RSO retrieve it for you.
- On the Pistol Range, there are no firearm platform restrictions.
- The Rifle Range is for rifles only.
- Ammunition restrictions; NO Steel Core, Green Tip, Black Tip, Orange Tip, Incendiary, or Armor Piercing ammunition. Shotgun ammo must be slug only.
- Keep in mind you are shooting at an indoor range, and there is the possibility of a ricochet or bullet splatter.
- Shooter-caused damage to range or equipment will result in a repair fine and/or removal from the range.
- Upon entering the range, an RSO will show you how to hang your target and work the retrieval system
- If you need assistance for any reason, please leave everything on your bench and get an RSO to assist you.
- Follow all written, video, or verbal safety rules issued by members of the Facility’s staff.
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